Reproductive Microbiome Results Review for Practitioners
30 min consultation, priced at £125
*The review can be billable to your clients *
This is a 30-minute review of Reproductive Microbiome test results from any provider.
It is suitable for all practitioners, with a particular benefit for those offering nutritional, functional medicine, and herbal support.
The review can cover both partners if their results are available and aims to equip you with:
Interpretation of test results;
Practical therapeutic solutions based on the test results;
Insights into the broader context of your clients’ fertility and health situation.
All information provided during the review is derived from my clinical experience, personal research, and current knowledge.
This review is a discussion between two professionals. Any advce given should be evaluated by you for suitability based on your qualifications and understanding of the case. You are responsible for all aspects of your clients’ or patients’ care.
If you are a practitioner seeking information about your own health, it is advisable to book an Initial Consultation Package rather than a mentoring session.
You will be invited to provide a case summary and upload relevant microbiome test results ( plus semen parameters and maybe some other) prior to the consultation.
It is recommended to obtain client consent before discussing their de-identified case at this review.
For your call, ensure you are in a comfortable setting where you can discuss your client’s situation and symptoms. The call will last 30 minutes, so be prepared to take notes, as no report will be provided after this review.
Looking forward supporting you and your clients.
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I’m happy to mentor healthcare practitioners and therapists, who are seeking some guidance or a second opinion in the areas of herbal medicine, functional testing and natural support.
My focus is complex cases of Fertility with microbiome imblance, mould and biotoxins illness.
In addition to obtaining my degree, I have facilitated hundreds of hours
of training in Herbal Medicine and other health related subjects first as Academic Society Events Manager at Middlesex University and then as a Continuous Professional Development Team Leader for the National Institute of Medical Herbalists.
To make sure I’m au fait with the latest advances in my areas of expertise,
I have attended more than a hundred CPD events over the last decade and have lately focused on functional medicine and functional testing.
For my professional credentials please see About page.
Who is it for:
Health coaches and Nutritionists: enhance your nutritional protocols with bespoke herbal products for your clients.
Physio-, massage therapists and osteopaths: Offer your clients and patients holistic support, with functional testing suggestions, test interpretations, including DUTCH test, diet modification, bespoke herbal remedies and natural products.
Herbalists: enhance work with your patients with functional testing suggestions, test interpretations, including DUTCH hormonal panel, nutrition and natural products.
When I’m invited to present on a specific subject I will prepare a presentation with the most relevant evidenced based information and will include some live Q&A time.
What is covered in a case review session:
History and wellbeing goals overview
Lab tests revision, facilitation of functional testing appropriate for the case and subsequent test interpretations
Treatment plan revision including nutrition, herbal and natural products
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